Janne Martikainen is the newest top talent in our dev team

Nepton is committed to improving everyday work life, growing the team to meet demand and our dedication to quality. Our newest top talent is software developer Janne Martikainen who is specialized on web applications as well as full-stack development.

Janne Martikainen comes from Grinhouse Development Oy, with whom we will soon unveil a collaboration for automated invoicing, utilising the powers of their Barracode solution and the Nepton platform.

“I am 33-year old software engineer who graduated at spring 2014 and have been employed in the field ever since. Web applications became the area I specialized in. I have also had a role as a full-stack developer who in addition to development needed to handle first and second line technical support occasionally. In the past I have also dealt with platform related issues (mainly with Linux servers).

On my free time I play PC and console games. With a couple of friends I co-own a boat which also takes up some of my time on non-winter months.”

We are always looking for new talent, check out our active vacancies here >>

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